
Keep Cool When It’s Hot Outside


  • Close outside doors, 当你白天不在家的时候,窗户、百叶窗或窗帘, especially on the east and west sides. 如果安全的话,在晚上或早上打开窗户,让凉爽的空气进来.
  • Avoid producing heat inside during the hottest part of the day. Do laundry, run the dishwasher, etc., in the early morning and late evening hours when it’s cooler. 用高压锅或慢炖锅代替烤箱.
  • 试着用冷水澡来降温,而不是给整个房子降温.
  • 考虑安装一个全屋风扇,在晚上将室外较冷的空气吸入室内,这样你就可以关掉空调了。.
  • Plant deciduous trees or install awnings to shade your home, especially on the south and west sides of your house. Before planting trees, 确保它们长到最大尺寸时不会干扰输电线. Refer to our Tree Planning Guide for more information.
  • Consider installing a ceiling fan in frequently used rooms. Moving air can make you feel up to four degrees cooler. Ceiling fans are helpful in homes both with and without A/C.
  • 当你要长时间外出时,关掉空调.

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